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TOPCOAT 2-1: the scratch-resistant epoxy resin for clear coatings - and much more
TOPCOAT 2-1 is a synthetic resin consisting of two components: resin and hardener.
After mixing the two components, you get a crystal-clear and extremely hard coating. It not only offers you protection against scratches, but also against yellowing. TOPCOAT 2-1 contains very good UV protection: absorbers and HALS (Hindered Amine Light Stabilisers).
Possible applications of TOPCOAT 2-1 synthetic resin
TOPCOAT 2-1 is perfect for sealing surfaces. How does it work? Simply coat your artwork or another surface such as tables or counters with a layer of TOPCOAT 2-1 - and you're done.
You can also use TOPCOAT 2-1 for other artistic applications. Of course, it can be quickly dyed to your desired colours using suitable colourants. We know artists, who use it to mould the most amazing coasters. Trays can be designed just as easily.
With TOPCOAT 2-1, you can achieve a layer up to 25 mm high in a single step. Sufficiently high even for embedding flat objects.
Special features of the TOPCOAT 2-1 resin
TOPCOAT 2-1 has a low viscosity and is therefore very fluid. This makes coating with this synthetic resin easy. This epoxy resin also allows you to work almost bubble-free.
Important: The resin is purple in liquid form due to the UV protection it contains. However, it hardens to a clear colour, we promise you that.
Application TOPCOAT 2-1 for a clear coating
Step 1: Pour the resin and hardener into a suitable mixing cup. Mix TOPCOAT 2-1 by volume 2:1.
Step 2: Then mix the two components thoroughly. Stir slowly and carefully with a plastic spatula. Pay attention to the base and rim of your mixing cup. You will be done after 3 to 5 minutes, unless you are mixing a huge amount. In this case, of course, stir for longer.
Step 3: You now have a generous 60-80 minutes to process TOPCOAT 2-1. The resin will then start to harden.
Step 4: If you have not yet prepared your work or object for the coating, you should do so now. It must be dedusted and degreased. It should also lie flat so that you can achieve an even coating. TOPCOAT 2-1 is self-levelling. Feel free to use a spatula if you want to spread everything a little faster.
Step 5: If small bubbles do get into the surface, you can easily remove them with a hot air dryer or crème brûlée burner. To do this, swivel your tool about ten centimetres above the resin surface.
Step 6: Now allow your coating to harden. Protect your object from dust or other foreign objects.
Step 7: You can easily wipe the hardened surface with a damp cloth to clean it later.
Have you already worked with a different epoxy resin on your work and want to apply a final coat of TOPCOAT 2-1? Please wait until the previous surface has hardened, i.e. 24 hours. Then it is ready for the final coat.
You should pay attention to this!
Although our resins are formulated with the most modern and safest epoxy chemicals available, you should handle all epoxy resins responsibly and proactively ensure your safety:
-Always wear nitrile gloves
-When sanding cured resin, wear a dust mask and, even better, safety goggles
-It is advisable to work in a well-ventilated area and wear a respirator mask
-Avoid skin contact (if resin gets on the skin, wash with plenty of soap and water)
-DO NOT eat, drink or smoke while working
-If eyes are contaminated, wash with plenty of water for 15 minutes and seek medical attention immediately
Adding inks/paints/mica powder/glitter to epoxy resin will alter its properties and may reduce its non-toxicity. If you use alcohol ink, DO NOT use a flame to remove bubbles as alcohol is flammable
Further technical information on Eli-Chem-Resin TOPCOAT 2-1 can be found in our overview table.
TOPCOAT 2-1 is available in the following container sizes: 1.5 kg, 3 kg, 7.5 kg, 15 kg
October 29, 2024 08:35
Super Resin!
Super Resin, habe eine kleine Tischplatte als obere Schicht damit überzogen und poliert. Wer sich an die Anleitung von Stefanie Etter und Norbert Mainka hält, kann nichts mehr falsch machen!
March 13, 2024 13:58
Es hat schon den richtigen Namen "Top-Coat". Einfach TOP!
Ich habe das Material bisher als letzte Schicht auf einem Tisch verwendet und auf einem großen Bild von 100x120. Das Top-Coat hat mich völlig überzeugt. Die Oberflächen sind nahezu perfekt geworden.
March 4, 2024 18:13
Ich habe es zum ersten Mal ausprobiert und bin begeistert.
Ich habe es heute zum ersten Mal ausprobiert und bin begeistert.
December 30, 2023 15:40
Spiegelglatte Oberfläche
Ich habe das neue Top Coat als klaren Überzug auf Untersetzer und kleinen Bilder ausprobiert und bin begeistert. Dadurch, dass Top Coat dünnflüssiger als andere Resins ist, lässt es sich ganz einfach auftragen und verteilt sich sehr gleichmäßig auf der Oberfläche, ohne dass ich viel mit einem Spachtel nachschieben muss. Das Top Coat war bei mir komplett blasenfrei nach dem Rühren. Ich habe es auch einmal testweise mit Pigment (Ruby Red Pigmentpulver und Electric Blue Pigmentpaste) eingefärbt und als Basis auf Untersetzer bzw. Bilder gegeben. Es lässt sich auch eingefärbt sehr gut verarbeiten.